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Eat Right in Pregnancy

 All the phases of pregnancy require a safe & healthy diet that delivers sufficient nutrition to you and your baby. Nutritionist advice the lady heavy with child with a pregnancy diet chart that is required for the baby's growth and development. The requirement of every pregnant lady varies from other on the basis of craving, weight and complications. The chart is prepared after understanding the body's needs and daily routine that a woman follows.

he woman who is going to be the mother should follow the pregnancy diet that advices the mom-to-be to include:-
• Protein that helps in the infant's growth is very vital for the little one. It also helps in the production of blood. Foods like peanut butter, nuts, egg whites, beans are rich in proteins.
• Calcium that is found in dairy products like cheese, spinach, curd enables in the growth of bones & teeth.
• A serving of an apple on a daily basis is the best Food for Pregnant Women and is rich in Vitamin C which is important in terms of having a healthy gum and teeth to the baby.
• Beta Carotene is the key to availing a healthy skin, better vision and strong bones. Intake of papaya, carrots, spinach, and pumpkin can be gainful.

The food for pregnant women should not be carb-free. Carbohydrates can be found in food like bread, potatoes, rice and aids the lady with energy and is a must diet during pregnancy.
• As per as the pregnancy guide Iron can help women who are anemic. Food rich in iron smoothes the progress of Red Blood Cells but over intake of it causes constipation so get the précised pregnancy guide from the doctor.
• Vitamin B6 in brown rice, pasta, bananas can be helpful to the mother to be and taking this diet during pregnancy relieves you from the stress.
The expecting period is not only about your baby's care, it is about your well-being too. So look out after your body needs and go for regular checkups that will let you know whether you have an allergy or hypersensitivity to any food. Women are prone to allergies during this time, consulting the midwife can be advantageous as will avoid complications to let occur. If you are at higher risk of having allergic reactions then for emergency situations you must have an adrenaline machine with you. Prior to using consult it with the allergist and it is mandate to follow their advice.